#GiveHope on Giving Tuesday image

#GiveHope on Giving Tuesday

Your donation gives help and hope to people affected by mental health issues

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

On Giving Tuesday we are aiming higher than ever before—with a goal to raise $30,000—to expand our online education programs and support groups to reach everyone who needs us, right now, no matter where they are in Connecticut.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way NAMI Connecticut does our work and the demand for our support groups and education programs has never been greater.

This year, more than ever, we need your support to help us #GiveHope to people with mental health conditions and their loved ones

An estimated 500,000 people in Connecticut live with a mental illness. Only 4 in 10 of those people receive the help they need. We want everyone affected by mental health issues, and their loved ones, to know they are not alone.

On Giving Tuesday please support our work to #GiveHope to people affected by mental health conditions. Together we can build hope, create communities where all people affected in any way by mental illness get the help and care they need, and where mental health is accepted as an integral part of overall well-being.

Here’s how your donation gives hope:

  • $300 provides online training for one new Family to Family teacher.
  • $225 teaches four young adults to facilitate and establish NAMI Connecticut Young Adult Connection Community groups.
  • $100 trains two people to be Provider Education presenters.
  • $50 covers the cost of online training for a new Family Support Group Facilitator.
  • $30 teaches one person how to save a life with QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) suicide prevention training.
  • $10 provides caring cards with messages of hope for people being discharged from the hospital after a suicide-related crisis.